UPDATE: New .au domains available from March 24th, 2022
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The applications for .au domain names opens on March 24th 2022, and will be allocated depending on how long you have owned your domain name for - the longevity gives you a "Priority" and this priority is used to determine who will be granted ownership of the .au domain if multiple applications are received. You can check the priority of your domain names using this tool https://www.auda.org.au/tools/priority-status-tool

New .au domains available in 2022
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Direct .au domain name registrations will commence from 24 March 2022, giving you access to shorter, more memorable names to promote your business website. Even if you don't use it, you don't want any other business to snaffle it out from under your nose, because unlike .com.au and .net.au there are no eligibility requirements on the .au, which means anyone can purchase it!
Stolen Domain Names
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Source: https://www.lawanddisorder.com.au/you_are_the_man_stolen_domain_names.html
You have a thriving business, which you have built up from nothing, called “theman”. Even your own mother calls you “theman”. Then, youfind out that your competitor, the “xman”, has bought the domain name “theman.com”.
You and your mother are outraged.
You hear of ICANN*, an international dispute procedure, which will deal with your claim quickly and cheaply. You will go to any lengths to get your name back. You find out it costs $2,000.00. You hesitate but decide to proceed. Yes, you are willing to bet the bank. You pay $2,000.00, but your competitor pays nothing. Who worked that one out?
The starting point is first come, first served. Your lawyer will, helpfully, point out that you could have avoided all this if you had registered it first.
You need to show three things:
More .au options for all Australians or not – the pointy end of the naming panel process
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The 2015 Names Policy Panel has released its draft recommendations about the use and allocation of .au domain names, the most notable of which is a proposal that Australians should be allowed to register domain names directly under .au (such as abc.au or myname.au). This has not been possible in Australia before.
Under the proposals, the current 2LDs would remain available (com.au, net.au etc.) but Australian entities and individuals would be able to register under .au, too.
“The main reason the Panel has recommended this change is that direct registrations would create more options. They include names that are shorter, more appealing and more memorable. They would make the domain name system simpler and easier to use,” said Derek Whitehead, Adjunct Professor at Swinburne University of Technology and the Panel Chair.
The Panel is clear that direct registrations would have some rules applied to them, to continue to maintain a standard that reflects the trust and security synonymous with the .au domain name space.
Having released an issues paper earlier this year, the Panel is releasing its draft recommendations for a final round of consultation before submission to the auDA Board, who will make the decision about whether it goes ahead.
Comments can be submitted in two ways and the closing date for submissions is Wednesday 30 September 2015.
Helen Hollins
Ph: +61 3 8341 4111
Source: http://www.auda.org.au
Can I rely on my Registered Business Name alone to register a com.au or net.au domain name?
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As of 28 May 2012, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) set up a new national register, which replaced the existing eight state and territory registers, simplifying business names registration in Australia by offering a single national service.
This means that new business names registered after the 28 May 2012 will no longer have a state-based business number (i.e. VIC BN12345678).
auDA’s position is that it is acceptable for the registrant of a com.au or net.au domain name to rely on their Registered Business Name alone, without having to provide any other identifier such as an ABN or ACN. In this case, the Registrant and Eligibility Type and ID fields in the registry database can be left blank. The registrant name must be the legal entity (individual or company) holding that Registered Business Name, as shown on the ASIC Business Name Register.
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